
Goodbye Green, part 2/??


We're back for another thrilling installment of me, essentially narrating my own life.

Today's post is not one I've been looking forward too. If you are somehow just coming across this, my hair is currently a (tbf, not completely hideous) shade of light minty green and I'm trying to get rid of it. Last week, I tried Vitamin C (check out part one here) which was not a complete fail, but wasn't what I needed.

Green is difficult. And on every thread about removing green streaks (swimmers hair, or like mine unwanted staining!) you'll see one option always being bandied about.


Now, I am a fussy easter. I can eat ketchup if it has been refrigerated, and if I am specifically in the mood for it, but the thought of putting it all over my head is nauseating.

But, its so often recommended and the science makes sense (opposite sides of the colour wheel yo). Plus it's cheap and it shouldn't damage my hair. I really do need to give it a go.

With that in mind, let's just get this over with!

This is my hair on the morning that I bought the ketchup, in natural light.

 The green looks super prominent in real life, and actually on photos as viewed on my phone but you can see that there is light blonde there just waiting to get out.

You will need:

  • Ketchup (I got the cheapest own brand one I could find for 67p)
  • Shampoo. Today I am using Vosene, which is a medicated anti dandruff shampoo because its super clarifying and smells very strongly of mint. I trust it to take the whiff of ketchup out of my hair, essentially.
  • Gloves. If you do not have gloves, I suppose you can do it without but I just can't even begin to imagine how gross that will be.
  • Cling film, ditto above.
  • Hair sectioning clips (depending on thickness of your hair)
  • Treatment Masque. Ketchup shouldn't have any real effect on your hairs texture, but I take any excuse to lather on a deep conditioner. Today I am using Tresemme Care and Protect Breakage defence, for the first time.  It smelt nice and it was cheap in savers.
  • Realistic expectations. This is literally, literally Ketchup.
 The process is super simple. Take the ketchup, apply it liberally to areas that are green. Wrap in clingfilm to help you try and ignore the fact that your head is covered in condiments. Leave in for between 30 minutes to an hour (this is isn't an exact science, you are covering your head in sauce.) and then let the rinsing begin. I rinsed my hair thoroughly with water as hot as I could stand until all the ketchup was gone, and then used the strong shampoo twice, just to be sure. Then it was time to coat my hair in my masque and chill out for a bit. I only left the masque on for 10 minutes as I wasn't expecting great damage and I just wanted this whole ordeal to be over.


In the morning, natural light and then again after I re-washed.


This was disgusting, but it really did have some effect. Once the Ketchup was on and wrapped in clingfilm, I could deal but washing it out was the worst. I highly recommend making sure you have a really lush smelling conditioner so that you can be re-assured you wont smell like ketchup forever. Even so, I went and re-washed my hair in the morning the next day because I couldn't get the thought out of my head!

My idea when starting this blog was no-one seems to do before and afters, so I'm gonna do that. After trying a couple of things now, I can see why there were no pictures - even if you can see a difference in real life it just doesn't seem to translate to internet life. (although my terrible photo skills surely don't help) The front section and mid section of my hair is blonde - It's a rather murky untoned blonde, but it is blonde. My problem area seems to be the root of my hair near the back, which makes sense as its not exposed to the sun etc (and the ends because extra bleached hair!). The green lives on, but I've made ground. And with no damage to my hair, and minimal costs, overall I would mark this as a success. I'm so close to having a blank enough canvas to start playing around with.

I can honestly say, I might put ketchup in my hair again some day and I HATED this. So trust me when I say, words speak louder than pictures in this regard.

Tune in next week (I'm a weekend blogger for sure) for the next chapter.

Georgie x

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